
Zeke My Love, what in the world are we going to do?  I would give anything in the world to have you right here with me to talk all of this over with.  It is such a HUGE burden to sort through and carry on my own.  I have recently learned that my father’s mother is the first born daughter of a Prince, and that she was a fraternal twin.  Strangely, my great grandfather looks exactly like your grandfather.  I have also learned that my birth father’s father is also a Prince and that he is still alive.  He is also the direct Heir to the Throne of two different countries.  I always knew that my father’s paternity was in question, and so was his mother’s.  I did not however, in a million years, imagine that both men were actual Royal Prince’s.  I also have learned that my “Uncle” is actually my Prince Grandfather.  Over the last few days, I have learned something else.  I have learned that since I am “legitimate” I am my Prince Grandfather’s direct heir.  That means that I really do have the title Princess, and have since birth.  I sure hope that you get this.  Because of my title through my Grandfather, that make me, or rather us, the direct heirs to the throne of “our” great grandfather’s country of birth.  But there’s more…..

My grandfather’s wife is already a queen.   Here’s the thing, I have decided that the rumors are correct, royalty has a serious, serious problem with legitimacy!  My mother’s mother looks just like my grandfather’s wife and she is the elder.  It would appear that some how, by some really weird twist of fate, I may now be the direct heir to yet another throne!  I am really freaking out and really need you here…NOW!!!

I have also learned over the past year and a half, that an old friend of mine from high school, somehow found out about my grandfather and great grandfather, way back in high school, stole my birth certificate and adoption court order from my school records and presented herself to my grandfather.  He had not seen me since I hit puberty and she looked enough  like me and knew enough about me to pull off the scam of the century.  Yes My Love, she has already been crowned Queen in two countries, maybe three and she is nothing but a low class criminal with a long criminal history.

Zeke, I think that is in large part why you are being held hostage!  I thought at first that it was all over your Presidential bid here, but since that was over, two years ago and you lost, I really think this is the real reason.  That sociopath that has the American public believing that she is your wife was a very good friend of the woman that stole my royal identity.  Apparently, your sociopath, tried to pull that scam first but did not have the legal paperwork needed.


Look for this new chapter soon.

In the meantime, until this page goes to press.

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